2020年9月3日 星期四



因為屬乎肉體的人不能照著屬乎靈的律法生活, 於是往往事與願為地去行惡。15-17節所講論的很可能是保羅信主前的體會, 但當他與耶穌相遇後, 他的生命卻不再一樣了, 於是他在本段接著說「我也知道(18),
行出來, 由不得我, 18-20
神的律, 行罪的律, 21-25

立志為善由得我,行出來卻由不得我」(18)?為甚麼保羅會說出這樣的話?相信耶穌的人也不能夠行善嗎?保羅在18-20節實是重述15-17節的講論。這番重申講說其實是為了為本章講論作出總結,[1] 注意15-17節和18-20的講論略有不同, 前者是提及自己不能按意願行善, 後者則是強調即使立志行善也有所不能。更可能的是, 18-25節是保羅的生命見證。

「我覺得有個律 (21), 保羅如此見證, 每當他想要行善時, 就有惡與他同在, 阻攔他去做神喜歡的事的(所謂「我是喜歡神的律」, 22下), 他稱這種叫自己的肢體行惡的力量作「罪的律」, 這力量(罪的律)與心中願意行善的力量(神的律)常在他內心交戰, 叫他痛苦非常。

「我真是苦啊」(24上)保羅見證兩種力量(「罪的律」和「神的律」)在他裏面互相角力, 有點像現代人所謂的「人格分裂」的狀態, 內心的交戰叫他十分痛苦。
「誰能救我脫離這取死的身體呢」24上)?保羅見證說, 那時他感到自己十分無助。
「感謝神(25), 保羅終於找到了出路, 他在本段講論旳結束處寫上這樣的感恩之言, 當他在大馬色路上與主耶穌相遇, 又在大馬色城因著亞拿尼亞按手禱告後, 他就脫離了(參徒9:1-18)。他要見證主把罪的鎖鍊斷開, 讓他得釋放。

「這樣看來, 我以內心順服神的律, 我肉體卻順服罪的律了」(25), 這是此番見證的結論, 原來光有神的話語還是不足夠的, 原來光是心裏喜歡神的話語仍然不能勝過罪的律, 唯有靠著主耶穌基督才可以脫離。

原來, 人只知道「神的律」是不足夠的, 人只會活在「神的律」和「罪的律」的交戰中, 只是不斷經驗「立志行善由得惡我, 行出來卻由不得我」的痛苦中!人必須要靠主耶穌的同在和帶領才可以把「神的律」發揮出來, 才可以斷開「罪的律」的鎖鍊, 這是保羅的生命見證。唯有主能夠斷開罪的鎖鍊, 唯有活在基督裏, 才可以成為新造的人(林後5:17)

[1] 有人認為保羅寫此信時, 7:17暫停了一段時間, 然後在7:18續寫時, 就重申了前文, 然後才接著寫下去。

1 則留言:

  1. I have come to understand one important truth here from this section of Scripture.
    1.When a person considers himself having a right to eternal life but never submit his lordship to Jesus. By that, it means giving himself in humiliation to Jesus and repent. Upon this decision, he will still fail to lead a life that is free from failures. But he will respond to the grace of God to walk upright again. Day by day, the genuine relationship between the Christian and the Lord will grow deeper. Obedience to doing what pleases God becomes much easier. God will fill the heart of the Christian with his love every day. This is a picture of walking with Jesus rejoicing despite circumstances.
    2. A new Christian has to be nurtured on God's Word constantly. Praise God that each believer will receive the Holy Spirit and will the Holy Spirit will teach him the truth and how to apply it to his life reaping spiritual gains and many more for the glory of God and the blessings of the doer of God' s truth. The new-born Christian will enjoy an abundant life as promised by God (John 10:10) .
    To conclude from the above, if our belief in Christ and what he has done remains head knowledge and interpreted as A RELIGION, and not a relationship with God, sooner or later, the believer might choose to give up his "heavenly passport"!
    This is what the Evil One wants to see happen to Christians.
